
How to use Custom Icons in Flutter(Using SVG or Icon Font)?

Many icons are predefined in the flutter and are very easy to use. Many times though, just these icons are not enough. For example, if you want to show an icon of a particular company or logo etc, you'll have to reach for other than the official icons. So, Let's see how you can add custom icons to your flutter project Social Media Icon Let's say you want to use the above social media icon. As of now, there is no pre-made package on , so you'll have to add them yourself. This method will only work for any icon pack which has SVG icon font. Converting for the use in Flutter The first step is obviously you need to download the icon pack(SVG). If you are following along with the above icon, get it from this  download page . Once you have downloaded the SVG icon, you need to somehow convert these into icons to be able to use them in your flutter project. Thankfully, There's one open-source tool  which can do the conversion for you. Steps to proce...

Flutter ZERO Boilerplate Routing With Auto Route

Navigation and Routing take too much code and effort to implement. Two-Three lines of code have to be written for routing from one screen to another and in the end, it is not maintainable at all and becomes robust. We somehow need a way to generate one file for navigation purposes that can be easily maintained and has less boilerplate in order to be readable. If you are going to implement a router yourself, there's still a lot of boilerplate. All of this changes with the package  auto_route  which works elegantly with code generation. This way you can reduce the boilerplate while still having the ability to customize the routes to your heart's content. What is AutoRoute? It's a flutter navigation package that allows for strongly-typed arguments passing, effortless deep-linking. It uses code generation to simplify routes setup i.e reduce the boilerplate code. It requires only a minimal amount of code to generate everything needed for navigation. Why AutoRoute? For clean Rout...

Flutter Video Feeds (Like Instagram or Facebook)

There are many packages for the video player in  but it is very hectic to maintain the video player in list view as it throws some kind of dispose error or some kind of crashes occurred during playing videos. I tried a lot of packages but at first, I was not able to build video feeds correctly. After I tried using native package by flutter video_player  but I got error such as dispose error and sometimes only 4 out of 10 videos are playing and others crash by throwing platform Exception A VideoPlayerController was used after being disposed. I/flutter : Once you have called dispose() on a VideoPlayerController, it can no longer be used.   or [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(VideoError, Video player had error Source error, null, null ) So, to get rid of these errors, I need to dispose the video controller which is no more in the viewport, and re-initialize with the...